Tuesday, May 29, 2012


June 7, 2012
 Continuing to the importance of the Interior Design profession is the areas of design we address. Important designing concerns such as universal design and aging in place are becoming more and more important to incorporate into projects. Universal design is in my opinion designing a place that anyone can use regardless of ethnicity, size, shape, age, or beliefs. A more defined description is that universal design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extend possible, with out the need for adaptation or specialized design.  Another important design consideration is aging in place, aging in place is a way of creating a space that elderly people can grow into. This prevents the need of assisted living or nursing homes because the needed things are already in place such as, grab bars, access for wheel chairs, ease of movement throughout the home, and low maintenance. Below are several really good articles to learn more about both topics and to see why including a designer is very important to get the best use out of a commercial or residential space to insure these things are incorporated properly.

Aging in place articles


Great article on aging in place as well as universal design

June 8, 2012
this is an example of an access that can be used by someone in a wheel chair or on foot. These are the elements incorporated into universal design and aging in place.
Another example of a space designed for someone who is confined to a wheel chair.

excellent video on aging in place.

video on universal design


Saturday, May 26, 2012

WEEK 1 MAY 21-27

MAY 26, 2012
There is this misconception that designers decorate. Generally the first thing people say when they find out that is your area of study or profession is, "you will have to come do my house" Interior design is not decorating it is not just picking out pillows, curtains, and accessories, there is much much more. Designers in my opinion change environments we understand color we understand texture,contrast, mood, setting, emotion. Designers have the ability to literally change the emotion of the subjects within the space yes sometimes that includes pillows, and curtains, and area rugs, and paint but it takes eyes many don't have to pull it together in such a dramatic way. Another thing is designers know product they know codes they understand what can and can not go in to commercial/residential settings it is not just about is this pretty? its more about is this functional? Designers solve problems they are innovative and inspirational, Designers create the spaces that your drawn to without even realizing why. With all that said, I am very passionate about the fact that we do not just decorate and there is a huge difference between what designers are and what they are not.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJi2njn3URY- Difference between a designer and a decorator

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8MvmVWtxiA  - Great video on the benefits of hiring a designer instead of doing it yourself.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_FEM4vMVQY - This link has a great video that simply explains what an Interior Designer really does.

MAY 28,2012

These are photos taken at Stepping Stone Giftshop owned by Darcy and Gordon Colson to whom I am internning with over the next 8 weeks. There are several community areas that pull in guest as well as accessories. I will most more pics as the weeks go on but these are the areas that caught my eye. The Giftshop is a hub for many functions bands, churches, and meetings of numerous types are invited to use the space free of charge. Within in the giftshop is a small cafe/coffee shop for people to purchase food or beverages while using the space.

People use this area for meetings or gatherings a flat screen tv is available to use.