Wednesday, July 25, 2012



Below are just a few of many pics taken while in North Carolina working on the installation of the Dockendorfs residence. This project is one of several I worked on with Darcy all summer and was the final project before I came home. I learned what steps are required for customer drapery, custom bedding, and ordering for a project this large. Darcy did all the planning for this home via phone calls, emails, and fax while in Texas. It was a neat experience to see sketches of how this home would pull together actually come to life while we were there. My role during this entire thing was to do elevations and renderings of Darcy's sketches for the Dockendorfs to approve of before we ordered the material and they began getting made. I ordered hardware and fixtures for all the bathrooms. I was given a folder all the clients existing furniture and art and I made floor plan layouts for each floor showing where everything should go. With all that being said when I arrived at the Dockendorf residence I felt like I had already been there. We immediately began working, going through all the rooms moving furniture and accessories as needed. Darcy gave me a lot of freedom during that week and let me make decisions on where a lot of things should be relocated. When we walked into the home it looked like they had just moved in and the goal was that by the time we left it look like a complete put together home. I assisted Darcy in shopping for accessories and supplies. I also helped in hanging artwork, greenery, and drapery. This was a very difficult project because we were having to combine preowned items that were both modern and rustic with the new selections by the client. There were many different styles that had to work together in each space to create a well thought out design. Darcy and I both worked late into each night and woke up each morning and discussed our ideas over coffee. It was a wonderful teamwork experience and the icing on the cake to me knowing that residential design is for me.


All in all this internship was the learning experience I was hoping for. I was able to see and do things that I did not learn in school and actually see what its like to work in the real world. I am really glad that I went out of state and was able to see how interior design is viewed differently from state to state. Darcy really took the time to explain all the different aspects of her business so that if I were to pursue my own I would understand what steps needed to follow. I look forward to someday opening my own business and am thankful for all the knowledge Darcy offered.

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