Tuesday, June 26, 2012


JUNE 26,2012

The information below was obtained from this website http://www.asid.org/NR/rdonlyres/572C5A0B-D931-4763-A703-4D00E156D162/0/ASID_Legislative101web.pdf

What is interior design legislation? Through these establishedtitle acts (registrationpractice acts (licensure), which
States legally recognize the interior design profession through
legislation that establishes minimum standards of qualifi cation that
must be met to become registered in the state.
standards, interior design legislation protects and benefi ts public health, safety
and welfare. In addition to establishing standards of minimum competency for the
profession, interior design laws legally recognize interior design as a profession
and often defi ne its scope of practice.
Professional registration or licensure laws do not say who provides “good design”
or “bad design.” This is a subjective decision that can only be made by a client.
Instead, professional regulations set a minimum level of competencies required to
safely practice a profession.

Generally, there are two types of interior design legislation:
or certifi cation), which set standards for the use of a certain title but do not prevent
anyone from practicing interior design; and
require that professionals obtain a state license to off er interior design services.

The answer is simple: Every decision an interior designer makes
aff ects life safety and quality of life.
enforceable standards of minimum competency and ensures that only qualifi ed
individuals design interior spaces or represent themselves as having the
qualifi cations to do so.
Further, by providing legal defi nitions of the scope of interior design services
and who may refer to themselves as a “registered [certifi ed] interior designer,”
legislation helps consumers diff erentiate the responsibilities and services of each of
the design professions, helping them choose the appropriate professional for their
projects, and bringing the benefi t of more open competition to the design process.

This is an awesome link on what Mississippi reguires or more importantly what they do not.

JUNE 27,2012



Tallahassee, Fla.—On March 1, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Florida law that prohibits people from practicing interior design unless they first get the government’s permission.  The law requires that they spend six years and thousands of dollars jumping through the arbitrary hoops of Florida’s interior design licensing law.  The ruling comes despite admissions by the state that there is no evidence that the unlicensed practice of interior design poses any threat to the public.

“The facts in this case couldn’t be clearer:  There isn’t a shred of evidence that Florida’s interior design law does anything but protect licensed interior designers from honest competition,” said Clark Neily, senior attorney at the Institute for Justice, a national public interest law firm challenging the Florida law in federal court.  “This ruling sets a dangerous precedent, not just for interior designers, but for workers in all creative occupations.”

WATCH A 2-MIN VIDEO ON THIS LAWSUIT: http://bit.ly/i1jBms

Legal recognition establishes
Why should interior designers be
registered or licensed?

Monday, June 18, 2012


JUNE 18,2012


Scheuerman, William, "Globalization", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2010 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2010/entries/globalization/>.

The article above is a great article to really dive deep into what globalization even is. I know for me personally before taking a course called cultural systems the word globalization had never even been brought up to me. The article above is very in depth but in a very researched way describes how in globalization we all begin to take on traits of one another and integrate as time goes on less and less distinction can be made between cultures. The debate is being made that the US is trying to globalize the world to do things just as we do it and vise versa many different answers arrive when the question of what is globalization is asked?

Another odd way of putting it I found on a blog which stated,

"Have you ever stopped to realize what an impact the entire world has on you? If not, allow the person who wrote the following to make that realization for you. I got this in my student teaching seminar class today:

Question: What is the truest definition of globalization?

Answer: Princess Diana's death.

Question: How come?

Answer: An English princess, with an Egyptian boyfriend, crashes in a French tunnel, driving a German car, with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk, on Scottish whiskey, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines.

This is provided to you by an American, using Bill Gates' technology, and you're probably reading this on your computer, that uses Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers, in a Singapore plant, transported by Indian lorry-drivers, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, and trucked to you by Mexican illegals..."

That, my friends, is globalization!

I'm not trying to make light of Princess Diana's death. But it kind of makes your head spin to consider how interconnected the world has become. Some people are nervous about globalization. And some people are just in denial. But it's impossible to escape it--the way the world seeps in. You can't fence the world out, and you can't fence yourself in. Technology knows no borders. As one of the first computer geeks stated, "Information wants to be free."

Basically all over the world we all impact each other in someway  and so the question is how does that impact design?

June 19,2012

what is globalization? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgPLn76LTAQ

June 20,2012
The link below is a pdf on the topic of Global Influence on Interior design. The article discusses how now when designing

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WEEK 3 JUNE10-17

JUNE 14, 2012
Just as when anyone designs something they research what it is used for. What were the pros and cons to the previously used method? What would make it better? What does data say would improve it? Does the color matter? Does the shape matter? Many questions can be asked when starting a design and of course this applies to interior design. On an interview once at the University of Southern Mississippi and interviewee said, " When Henry Ford asked people what they wanted they said a faster horse" with that being said, sometimes you have to think outside the box and find a solution in design that not even the client is aware of. Designers have to be innovative and creative in order to make the absolute best use out of a space. In order to think outside the box and draw conclusions research and data has to be compiled and today more and more design is evidence based rather than just aesthetics.

JUNE 15, 2012

Evidence-based design is defined as a field of study that emphasizes the importance of using credible data in order to influence the design process.

Below is a great video on Evidence based design and how its important.

My favorite link is below it really describes what is involved in evidence based design and how it impacts the environment.

Friday, June 8, 2012


The view from the office window and Gordon and Darcy's residence.
Gordon working on an exterior elevation for a client

The final exterior elevation


Me at my desk for the summer measuring a
floor plan to draw elevations for the Dockendorf residence

Mrs. Darcy's table of samples for
custom drapery on the Dockendorf residence

Darcy and Gordon Colson are a husband and wife team whom own Riverstone Designs Inc. Darcy is a certified interior designer and Gordon an architect. They do both residential and commercial work. Below is a link to their website which goes into more detail about their past projects and their mission.

These are some renderings I did this week of Darcy's drapery designs for the client

JULY 9,2012

I am posting an update of some of the work I have done up to this point.

There are color renderings of furniture layouts I have been working on. The customer wants to renovate the great room in their home. I did 3different layouts for the customer of how different walls could be taken out to open up the space and then renderings of how those interiors would look.