Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WEEK 3 JUNE10-17

JUNE 14, 2012
Just as when anyone designs something they research what it is used for. What were the pros and cons to the previously used method? What would make it better? What does data say would improve it? Does the color matter? Does the shape matter? Many questions can be asked when starting a design and of course this applies to interior design. On an interview once at the University of Southern Mississippi and interviewee said, " When Henry Ford asked people what they wanted they said a faster horse" with that being said, sometimes you have to think outside the box and find a solution in design that not even the client is aware of. Designers have to be innovative and creative in order to make the absolute best use out of a space. In order to think outside the box and draw conclusions research and data has to be compiled and today more and more design is evidence based rather than just aesthetics.

JUNE 15, 2012

Evidence-based design is defined as a field of study that emphasizes the importance of using credible data in order to influence the design process.

Below is a great video on Evidence based design and how its important.

My favorite link is below it really describes what is involved in evidence based design and how it impacts the environment.

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